Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2008

First things first

I am what must be considered an addict - not to some bizarre substance, but the game the world is taken over by, hold 'em poker . Playing now for almost exactly 2 years, and being essentially flat - moneywise, I created a thread on 2+2 to chronicle my comeback effort after a brutal downswing left me with 7,800 FPPs on Stars and no cash. An observant reader noted that a blog would be a smarter way to post my progress / losses, so I've dedided to give it a try. The following is what I wrote on friday, 22nd , in my then newly opened thread:

"Hi, this is my first thread here - and it is meant as a log, updated on possibly a weekly basis. I play on Pokerstars only, my screenname is "janbillian", I currently have the Goldstar status there (which I will lose, though, next month)

I am a small stakes player, who has has bled heavily in MTTs the last months. Though I subsidized my losses through what I won in SnGs and satellites, a brutal downswing in SnGs plus poor BR management have finally made me bite the dust, almost at least. Though, in absolute figures, I have lost "only" around 100$ all-in all within the last 7 months total, I made the mistake of spending the money I had when I was up on items outside the pokerrroom.

I found out two days ago that I cannot deposit any more money as the creditcard issuer declined my request (luckily, as I now think) and that my next credit card bill will eat away exactly what is left on my bank account.

So far, so bad., and probably not that unusual or noteworthy.

But - I'm not the one to throw in the towel that easily.
What I had left in my account were around 7,800 FPPs. No 50$ / 5,000 FPPs bonus for me, as I couldn't freeplay it with playmoney .

I decided that the 210 FPPs buy-in satellite to the Sunday Hundred Grand would be my last glimmer of hope, and played those in hope of gettin' some T$. Well, I did, the FPPs are gone, but I managed to clear 132 T$ - which was a better deal than the bonus anyhow for me, and played - and will continue to play the 5.50 SnGs, 6 to 8-tabling them.

As of now, 16.50T$ are left, plus 198 regular dollars for a total of 214.50$.
I had a good start in the 5.50 SnGs, variance seemed to be on my side - though I still seem not to be able to win when I'm a 7:3 fav.

SnG play will be done on strict BR considerations. I move up to when I have 40 buy-ins, I move down when I'm down to 25. No MTTs anymore, though maybe from time to time the 5.50R turbo sat. to the daily 50k which
will be used for T$, of course.

Shall I go bust, I'm done with poker.

So, I hope to receive some upbeat - or downbeat comments and ideas of what ideal BR management looks like. I think, though, that I got it right this time, the trick lies in actually adhering to it.

Next goal for me is 440$."

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